Man pages for jhelvy/cbcTools
Choice-Based Conjoint Experiment Design Generation and Power Evaluation in R

cbc_balanceCounts of attribute balance
cbc_choicesSimulate choices for a survey design
cbc_designMake a choice-based conjoint survey design
cbc_overlapCounts of attribute overlap
cbc_powerEstimate the same model on different size subsets of data
cbc_profilesMake a data frame of all combinations of attribute levels
cbc_restrictObtain a restricted set of profiles
miscmethods.cbc_errorsMethods for cbc_errors objects
miscmethods.cbc_modelsMethods for cbc_models objects
plot_compare_powerPlot a comparison of different design powers
randLNDefine prior (assumed) model parameter as...
randNDefine a prior (assumed) model parameter as...
jhelvy/cbcTools documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 2:52 p.m.