Man pages for jhmaindonald/qra
Quantal Response Analysis for Dose-Mortality Data

checkDispReproduce data for the linear model scale-location diagnostic...
codling1988Dose-mortality data, for fumigation of codling moth with...
extractLTObtain complete set of LT or LD estimates
fiellerConfidence Limits for Lethal Dose Estimate From Dose-response...
foldpTitle Function to calculate ratio of 'p+eps' to '1-p+eps'.
fpowerFolded Power Transformation
getRhoExtract estimates of the intra-class correlation from a...
getScaleCoefExtract scaling coefficients from vector returned by...
gpsWithinUse given vector to identify groups with specified categories
graphSumDraw graphs of insect mortality or other exposure-response...
HawConHawaiian Contemporary Cold Treatment Dataset
kerrichKerrich Coin Toss Trial Outcomes
malesINfirst12Number of males among first 12 in families of 13 children
qra-packageqra: A package for calculations that relate to...
rayBlightIncidence of ray blight disease of pyrethrum
scaleLocAdjustEstimate dispersion as a function of predicted values
varRatioFirst order approximation to variance of y-ordinate to slope...
jhmaindonald/qra documentation built on Nov. 14, 2023, 3:16 p.m.