Man pages for jichunxie/CDI
Clustering Deviation Index (CDI)

calculate_CDIClustering Deviance Index (CDI)
CDIClustering Deviation Index.
CDI_lineplotVisualize CDI values via a lineplot
contingency_heatmapHeatmap of contingency table
feature_gene_selectionSelect feature genes
one_batch_matrixSimulated count matrix from one batch
one_batch_matrix_celltypeCell type labels of simulated count matrix from one batch
one_batch_matrix_label_dfClustering labels for simulated one-batch single-cell count...
size_factorSize factor of each cell
two_batch_matrixSimulated count matrix from two batches
two_batch_matrix_batchBatch labels of simulated count matrix from two batches
two_batch_matrix_celltypeCell type labels of simulated count matrix from two batches
two_batch_matrix_label_dfClustering labels for simulated two-batch single-cell count...
jichunxie/CDI documentation built on Dec. 6, 2023, 5:48 a.m.