Man pages for jimbrig/jimstools
Tools for R

backup_rawBackup Raw Data
badgeCreate README badges via
browse_fontawesomeOpen fontawesome icons webpage
cachingCaching Utility Functions
coalesce_joinCoalesce Join
collapseRowsCollapse Rows
compare_to_priorCompare to Prior
create_projectCreate Project
create_rstudio_projectCreate RStudio Project
csVector of character strings from list of unquoted names
date_formatsOpen Date Formatting 'man' page.
default_colorsVectors of colors for figures
document_dfPrints framework for documenting a data frame
download_bttnDownload Button
expand_from_varsCreate a Skeleton 'Grid' for Data based on combinations of...
extract_afterExtract all characters in a string after a match
extract_beforeExtract all characters in a string before a match
extract_betweenExtract a portion of a string between two patterns
extract_dateExtract Date
extract_numExtract numbers from a string
feedbackFeedback Message Utility Functions
get_osDetermine Operating System (OS)
get_rstudio_projectsGet RStudio Projects
htmlspecialcharsReplace HTML special characters with HTML entities
in_rstudioIn RStudio
is_valid_emailEnsures a text string is a valid email address
jimstools-packagejimstools: Tools for R
launch_rstudioLaunch a new project-less RStudio session
multi_filtMulti Filt
open_docsOpen local version of pkgdown site for 'jimstools'
open_gh_repoOpen Github Repository URL
open_in_rstudioOpen file in RStudio
open_pkgdownOpen pkgdown site of the package
open_projectOpen RStudio Project
paste_winslashPaste Winslash - Addin Function
pipePipe operator
print_datePrint the current date in a pretty format
pull_uniquePull all unique values for a variable
quick_tablehtable Create a quick html table using my favorites options...
random_passwordGenerate a random password with a specified length
render_templateRender Template
searchGeneralized Search and Search Engine Examples
set_wdSet working directory to the path of *current* script
shiny_iconsShiny Icons
shutdownShut down the operating system with the command 'shutdown'
startupR Startup Functions
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
use_gh_linguistGitHub Linguist Exclusions
user_infoGet User-Related Information
jimbrig/jimstools documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 12:08 p.m.