Man pages for jl5000/tidyged.utils
Utilities to Manage GEDCOM Files Using Tidyverse Principles

add_ancestorsAdd ancestor records for an individual
age_nowDetermine the age of an individual now given their age on a...
arrange_recordsArrange all records in a tidyged object
consolidate_notesConsolidate duplicated notes
date_diffDetermine the number of years between two dates
guess_ageGuess an individual's age
guess_age_from_famg_eventsGuess an individual's age from their family group events
guess_age_from_indi_eventsGuess an individual's age from their facts
identify_unused_recordsIdentify unreferenced records
insert_explicit_death_subrecordsInsert explicit death subrecords
insert_explicit_marr_types_allInsert explicit marriage subrecords
make_xrefs_uniqueUpdate xrefs in a tidyged object to make them unique from...
merge_gedcomsMerge two tidyged objects
merge_recordsCombine multiple records into a single record
migrate_recordsCopy all records from one tidyged object to another
order_famg_children_allOrder children in all Family Group records by birth date
potential_duplicatesIdentify potentially duplicate records
remove_change_datesRemove all CHANge dates from a tidyged object
remove_duplicate_subrecordsRemove duplicate subrecords from a tidyged record
remove_livingRemove data for living individuals in a tidyged object
split_gedcomSplit a tidyged object into two
jl5000/tidyged.utils documentation built on June 26, 2022, 4:40 p.m.