Man pages for jnshsrs/corona
Corona Data Import

corona_dataThe number of infections with the corresponsing country/...
create_day_sequenceAdd day column to dataframe (grouped for each country and...
create_doublingCreate the doubling rates
filter_min_daysFilter dataframe for at least n cases per group
lm_coronaCreate a growth model
merge_dataMerge Infection, Death and Recover datasets
pivot_longer_by_datePivots date column names into one colum
plot_countryPlot the development in a single country
plot_growthPlot the growth curve
predict_growthEstimate and Predict cases based on a corona growth model
preprocess_corona_dataPreprocess the corona data for analysis
read_coronaRead the corona data
read_deathsRead Corona Death Numbers
read_infectionsRead Corona Infection Numbers
read_raw_coronaReads a csv with JHU corona data
read_recoveriesRead Corona Recovered Numbers
rename_corona_dataRename state and country column
specify_countriesSpecify the countries to include
specify_numberSpecify the countries to include
specify_statisticSpecify the statistic to analyse
util-ggplotggplot2 Imports
util-pipePipe operator
jnshsrs/corona documentation built on April 9, 2020, 11:10 p.m.