Man pages for johnwdubois/rezonateR
A Support Package for Working with Rezonator in R

acFieldShortcut functions for functions beginning with addField and...
acFieldForeignEasily add a field to / change a field in a rezrDF using...
acFieldLocalEasily add a field to / change a field in a rezrDF using only...
addFrameMatrixAdd a frame matrix to 'trailDF'.
addIsWordFieldAdd a field on whether something is a word or not.
addRowAdd rows to a certain data.frame
addUnitSeqAdd unit sequence information to different levels of rezrObj.
augmentRezInfoAugment unitDF and cliqueDF with resonance-related...
bridgingFunctions related to bridging and frames.
chunkfamGet children and siblings of tree entries and chunks.
combineLayerCombine different layers of an entity, and similar entities
complexActionsFunctions for getting summary information about a vector of...
concatStringFieldsConcatenate string values in a lower-level data frame
containChunkFind chunks containing other chunks
countCompeteCount the number of competing referents to the current...
createLeftJoinUpdateCreate a left join update function.
createLowerToHigherUpdateCreate an update function based on a lowerToHigher-type...
createRezIdCreate a Rezonator ID.
createUpdateFunctionCreate an update function.
depsExtract/set an attribute of a updateFunction.
findResonancesBetweenFind resonances.between two sets of units.
getAddressesGet all the addresses of a rezrDF with multiple layers
getAllTreeCorrespondencesRelate table rows to tree entries covering the same tokens.
getBiluoFromOrderGet BILUO (begin-intermediate-last-unique-outside) values...
getGanttGet Gantt charts from rezrObj.
getPosInChainGet the position of a chain entry (track or rez) in a chain...
getRezrDFAttrExtract/set an attribute of a rezrDF.
getSeqBoundsGet the max and min of a certain value from a lower object...
getSetFrameExtract/set a 'frameMatrix'.
getTurnFromAnnosGet turn IDs from turn position annotations (deprecated)
grapes-plus-grapesConcatenate two strings together with nothing in between.
gugGroup / ungroup rezrDFs.
importRezImport a Rez file
initfinFunctions for getting information on whether something is...
lowerListGet a list of values from a lower-level table.
lowerToHigherCombine information from multiple entries in a lower-level...
mergecatMerging and renaming categories
mergeChunksWithIDsRelate table rows to tree entries covering the same tokens.
mergeChunksWithTreeRelate table rows to tree entries covering the same tokens.
mergedChunksToTrackAdd merged chunks in the chunkDF to the 'trackDF'
new_rezrDFConstructor function for rezrDF
new_rezrObjConstructor function for 'rezrObj'.
obscureUpperObscure the upper triangular portion of a frameMatrix.
orderseqGet sequence number (position) within a larger structure...
reducedFrameMatrixExtract a frameMatrix, removing rows and columns that do not...
reloadFunctions for reloading auto and foreign fields.
rez_add_rowAdd new rows to a rezrDF.
rez_bind_rowsBind together related 'rezrDF' objects.
rez_dfopPerform an operation on a data.frame while updating field...
rez_group_splitPerform a group_split on a 'rezrDF'
rez_left_joinPerform a left join on two rez data.frames and change field...
rez_mutateMutate a Rez data.frame and change field access status.
rez_panglossRead Pangloss file
rez_renameRename rezrDF columns.
rez_selectSelect columns in a rezrDF
rez_validate_fieldchangeValidate a field change.
rmFieldRemove a field from a 'rezrDF'.
rwRead and write 'rezrDF's as CSV files
saveloadSave and load rezrObj and rezrDF objects.
sbc007A Tree's Life - preliminary annotation
siblingposFind the position of a chunk among its siblings in a tree.
stackToXAdd stack sequence information to tokens and units
stringToFactorChange the strings in a 'rezrDF' to factors
trackPrevContextFunctions related to mentions of the same entity in...
undupeDe-duplicate a rezrObj entity.
updateFrameMatrixFromDFUpdate 'frameMatrix' from an external source.
updateFromDFUpdate a rezrDF using data from another data frame
updateFunctionA constructor function for updateFunction objects
updateLeftJoinUpdate a field using a left join.
updateLowerToHigherUpdate a field using a lowerToHigher operation.
johnwdubois/rezonateR documentation built on Nov. 19, 2024, 11:17 p.m.