Man pages for jorainer/ensembldb
Utilities to create and use Ensembl-based annotation databases

cdsToTranscriptMap positions within the CDS to coordinates relative to the...
convertFilterConvert an AnnotationFilter to a SQL WHERE condition for...
DeprecatedDeprecated functionality
EnsDbConnect to an EnsDb object
EnsDb-AnnotationDbiIntegration into the AnnotationDbi framework
EnsDb-classBasic usage of an Ensembl based annotation database
EnsDb-exonsByRetrieve annotation data from an Ensembl based package
EnsDb-lengthsCalculating lengths of features
EnsDb-seqlevelsSupport for other than Ensembl seqlevel style
EnsDb-sequencesFunctionality related to DNA/RNA sequences
EnsDb-utilsUtility functions
Filter-classesFilters supported by ensembldb
genomeToProteinMap genomic coordinates to protein coordinates
genomeToTranscriptMap genomic coordinates to transcript coordinates
global-filtersGlobally add filters to an EnsDb database
hasProteinData-EnsDb-methodDetermine whether protein data is available in the database
listEnsDbsList EnsDb databases in a MariaDB/MySQL server
makeEnsemblDbPackageGenerating a Ensembl annotation package from Ensembl
ProteinFunctionalityProtein related functionality
proteinToGenomeMap within-protein coordinates to genomic coordinates
proteinToTranscriptMap protein-relative coordinates to positions within the...
runEnsDbAppSearch annotations interactively
transcriptToCdsMap transcript-relative coordinates to positions within the...
transcriptToGenomeMap transcript-relative coordinates to genomic coordinates
transcriptToProteinMap transcript-relative coordinates to amino acid residues of...
useMySQL-EnsDb-methodUse a MariaDB/MySQL backend
jorainer/ensembldb documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 1:16 p.m.