Man pages for josephsdavid/tswgewrapped
Helpful wrappers for 'tswge', 'vars' and 'nnfor' time series packages

aic5aic5: slightly faster model estimations todo: rewrite...
aicbicaicbic function returns the top 5 aic and bic values for an...
aseASE calculator (specific to tswge) Takes the last...
assessassessment function! assess a time series
calculate_ar1_varxComputes the Population Variance of an AR(1) Time Series
calculate_arp_varxComputes the Population Variance of an AR(p) Time Series Note...
calculate_ts_gammaComputes Gamma (Auto Covariance of a time series realization)
calculate_ts_gamma0Computes Gamma0 (Variance of a time series realization)
calculate_ts_meanComputes the Mean of a Time Series realization
calculate_ts_mean_confidence_intervalComputes the Confidence Interval of the Mean of a Time Series
calculate_ts_rhoComputes Rho (Auto Correlation of a time series realization)
calculate_ts_var_of_meanComputes the Variance of the Sampling distribution of the...
check_stationarityWrapper to check the stationarity of a Time Series
compute_aGiven an AR(p,q) realization, this function estimates the...
compute_stdaGiven the white noise estimates, this function computes the...
compute_varaGiven the white noise estimates, this function computes the...
differenceTime Series transformation
estimateparamater estimation function
evaluate_residualsEvaluate if the dats is consistent with white noise
factor.wge.seasonPrints the factor table for a pure seasonal model (p = d = q...
fcstforecast function!
generategenerator function!
generate_multiple_realizationGenerate Multiple Realizations of a model Useful for checking...
get_all_a_calcGiven an AR(p,q) realization, this function estimates the...
hushPrevents inter 'cat' statememt from printing
lag_dfrlag_dfr: Lag columns of a data frame
ljung_boxljung box test for white noise
mlag_dfrmlag_dfr: Lag multiple columns of a data frame
ModelBuildMultivariateVARR6 class ModelBuildMultivariateVAR
ModelBuildNNforCaretR6 class ModelBuildNNforCaret
ModelCombineR6 class ModelCompareMultivariate
ModelCompareBaseR6 class ModelCompareBase
ModelCompareMultivariateVARR6 class ModelCompareMultivariate
ModelCompareNNforCaretR6 class ModelCompareMultivariate
ModelCompareUnivariateR6 class ModelCompareUnivariate
model_corModel Correlated data Interactively build a model of...
model_detmodel with deterministic signal plus noise
model_mlrModel as MLR model
MultivariateEDAR6 class MultivariateEDA
overfitoverfit function produces an overfit table
phicheckcheck if ar component is stationary (stolen from the R stats...
pipePipe operator
playgroundPlayground: generate a random time series for practice
plot_multiple_realizationsPlot multiple realizations of a model Useful for checking...
plot_resplot the residuals of a time series
rarimaradnom arima
rarmarandom arma
rarumarandom aruma
rsigpnrandom signal plus noise
sliding_ase_univariateFunction to calculate the sliding window ASE for a model...
sliding_ase_varFunction to calculate the sliding window ASE for a model...
tswgewrapped-packagetswgewrapped: Helpful wrappers for 'tswge', 'vars' and...
josephsdavid/tswgewrapped documentation built on July 31, 2020, 9:36 a.m.