Man pages for jpablo91/Pabloverse
Custom package for themes, templates and some functions

AuCorFunction to obtain temporal autocorrelation
Bi.HistFunction to get a univariate mozaic plot
BiMozaicFunction to get a univariate mozaic plot
Bivar.tblFunction to get a univariate mozaic plot
BiV.TblFunction to get a Bivariate table
clean_unitsFunction to clean the units
DisgregateHxFunction to obtain temporal autocorrelation
fishersFunction to obtain a Fisher's exact table
FishersTblFunction to obtain a Fisher's exact table
grid_coordsFunction to generate coordinates in a 2D grid
Hache1Color palettes
hColFunction for color based on Hue, Brightness and Sat
INLA_CPOplotFunction to summarise criteria from an INLA model
INLA_CritSumFunction to summarise criteria from an INLA model
LAUS_CALocal Area Unemployment Statistics.
LocalMI.MCFunction to obtain pseudo p-values for Morans I
MI.COFunction to obtain pseudo p-values for Morans I
NA.countFunction to count NAs
NA_ufosUFO Sightings in North america
pabletteFunction to get a color palette
pdfToolsFunction to run the pdf tools
plot_catFunction to get the shappiro test p value
plotChainFunction to plot a MCMC chain from simulated data
pThemeCustom theme function
ReadDirsFunction to read all the files in the directories
read_sheetsFunction to read all the sheets from an excel file into a...
ReadSimsFunction to read the simulations
RFCARTFunction to get RF CART plots
similarity_testThis function will take a vector of strings and provide a...
simplify8Function to standardize the Names ####
sptestFunction to get the shappiro test p value
textSumFunction to get a summary in a string of text
Theme1Function for custom theme
theme_mapCustom theme function
theme_printFunction for custom theme
UniMozaicFunction to get a univariate mozaic plot
UniV.TblFunction to get a univariate table
WilcoxTblFunction to obtain a wilcoxon rank table
wordCountFunction to Count the words in a string of text
wordFreqFunction to get the word frequency in a string of text
jpablo91/Pabloverse documentation built on April 11, 2024, 2:54 p.m.