Man pages for jpcompartir/LimpiaR

data_paramHelper for consistent documentation of 'data'
limpiar_accentsClean accented characters
limpiar_alphanumericRemove everything except letters, numbers, and spaces
limpiar_duplicatesClean the text variable of duplicate posts
limpiar_emojis_esReplace emojis with a Spanish textual description
limpiar_examplesTibble of examples for LimpiaR functions
limpiar_ex_subredditsQuickly extract subreddits from a link variable
limpiar_inspectInspect every post and URL which contains a pattern
limpiar_link_clickPrepare a URL column to be clickable in Shiny/Data Table
limpiar_link_click_reverseReverses (inverts) limpiar_link_click
limpiar_na_colsClean NA-heavy columns from a Data Frame or Tibble
limpiar_non_asciiRemove non-ASCII characters except those with latin accents
limpiar_pos_annotateAnnotate Texts for Parts of Speech Analysis using udpipe...
limpiar_pos_import_modelImport UDPipe models to begin Parts of Speech Analysis
limpiar_pp_companiesRemove known companies for pits & peaks
limpiar_pp_productsReplace entities for the Peaks&Pit classifier
limpiar_recode_emojisRecode emojis with a textual description
limpiar_remove_emojisCompletely Remove _Most_ Emojis from Text
limpiar_repeat_charsClean repeated charaaaacters
limpiar_retweetsClean retweets from the text variable
limpiar_shorthandsClean shorthands and abbreviations
limpiar_slangClean slang from multiple Spanish dialects
limpiar_spacesClean redundant spaces
limpiar_spam_gramsRemove posts containing spam-like n-grams
limpiar_stopwordsClean stop words for visualisations
limpiar_tagsClean user handles and hashtags
limpiar_urlClean URLs from the text variable
limpiar_wrapWrap strings for visual ease
pipePipe operator
text_varHelper for consistent documentation of 'text_var'
jpcompartir/LimpiaR documentation built on Dec. 9, 2024, 9:43 p.m.