Man pages for jrboyd/peakrefine
Peak Refinement Metric Gathering and Evalutation by Motif Enrichment

add_MotifEnrichmentResultscombine two MotifEnrichmentResults dervied from unique region...
bfcifConditionally run and cache FUN if results aren't already...
crossCorrByExtensionCalculate cross correlation by extending reads
crossCorrByExtensionFullMeasure cross correlation using specified frag_len for all...
crossCorrByRleCalculate cross correlation by extending reads
crossCorrByShiftCalculate cross strand correlation using the read shift...
dot-calc_cross_corrCalculate correlation between signal on DNA strands
dot-calc_stranded_coverageCalculate coverage per strand
dot-extend_readsextend reads to specified length in a strand sensitve way
dot-remove_duplicatesremove positional read duplicates from data.table
dot-shift_anchorapplies an anchor which controls x coordinate system 1)...
dot-view_gr_by_window_sampleview GRanges with score at specified window size by sampling...
getReadLengthget the read length from a bam file
harmonize_seqlengthsEnsure that regions in GRanges are compatible wtih seqlengths...
initialize-PeakRefiner-methodinitialize a new PeakRefiner
PeakRefinerconstructor for PeakRefiner
PeakRefiner-classclass to handle peak refinement
pre_motifCalculate a large motif enrichment once for later rounds of...
PWMEnrich.affinitySequenceSeta non-exported method from PWMEnrich, here for stability
PWMEnrich.cloverScorea non-exported method from PWMEnrich, here for stability
score_motifAssembles several metrics for a set of peaks from: 1) the...
subset_MotifEnrichmentResultssubset MotifEnrichmentResults by region and update statistics
jrboyd/peakrefine documentation built on July 30, 2020, 7:13 p.m.