Man pages for jrpriceUPS/Math160UPS
Suite of Functions for Math 160 Classes at the University of Puget Sound

add_modern_to_plotAdds modern data to ice core plot
BerkeleyPlotsBerkeley Plots
binomBinomial Distribution Calculations
cancerTableCreates breast cancer table
chi_testChi-Squared Test
co2_v_temp_demoPolar Demo
conduct_t_testConduct a t-test using provided test statistic data.
confint_activityGuide the class in constructing confidence intervals
expected_value_activityFlip a coin three times for every student
find_residualsFind Residuals
get_ice_core_T_and_co2_on_same_gridPut Ice Core Data on same grid
get_modern_co2Get Modern CO2
get_modern_global_T_anomaly_and_co2Modern Anomaly Data
get_modern_polar_T_and_co2_on_same_gridGet Same Grid for Polar Data
hospitalProblemCreates tables for the hospital contingency table problem
hyp_test_activityGuide the class in conducting hypothesis tests
linregSimple Linear Regression
malariaLoopRun a randomization simulation of the malaria activity in the...
multregMultiple Linear Regression
normalCalculate Quantities Relating to Normal Distributions
normal_pFind the Proportion of Observations Above or Below a Point...
normal_p2Find the Proportion of Observations Between Two Points in a...
normal_qFind the Value Such that Some Proportion of Observations Fall...
plot_timeseries_ice_core_co2_and_TIce Core Timeseries
plot_timeseries_modern_co2_and_TPlot Modern Timeseries
prop_testProportion Test
prop_test_OLDProportion Test
read_co2_urlRead CO2
read_modern_TRead modern temperature
remove_NARemove NAs
remove_NA2Remove NAs from Two Data Sets
remove_outliersRemove Outliers
sampling_dist_activityGive everyone a sample of n heights
stat.testStatistical Test
t_dist_demoT Test Demo
test_installTest That Your Installation Was Successful
unfairDieUnfair Die
update_codeUpdate Code to Latest Version
jrpriceUPS/Math160UPS documentation built on April 28, 2024, 12:41 p.m.