Man pages for jrwalsh/MaizeOmics
Container for Maize Expression and Protein Abundance Data

maize.kaeppler.expressionExpression data describing in the paper published by Kaeppler...
maize.kaeppler.expression.replicateExpression data describing in the paper published by Kaeppler...
maize.walley.abundanceProtein abundance data describing in the paper published by...
maize.walley.expressionExpression data describing in the paper published by Walley...
maize.walley.expression.replicateExpression data describing in the paper published by Walley...
maize.walley.v4mapped.expressionExpression data describing in the paper published by Walley...
maize.walley.v4mapped.expression.replicateExpression data describing in the paper published by Walley...
jrwalsh/MaizeOmics documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:22 p.m.