Man pages for js2264/coolerr
Analysing cool files in R with HiContacts

arithmeticsHiContacts arithmetics functionalities
checksChecks functions
getCompartmentsContact map compartments
getDiamondInsulationContact map insulation
getLoopsFinding loops in contact map
HiContacts-plotsHiContacts plotting functionalities
palettesMatrix palettes
plot4CPlotting virtual 4C profiles
plotMatrixPlotting a contact matrix
plotPsPlotting a P(s) distance law
plotSaddlePlotting saddle plots
plotScalogramPlotting scalograms
PsCompute the law of distance-dependent contact frequency,...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
scalogramCompute a scalogram of contacts
tracksAligning tracks with HiCExperiment objects
virtual4CComputing virtual 4C profiles
js2264/coolerr documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 4:32 p.m.