Man pages for juscelino-izidoro/supcavs
Supervised and Unsupervised PCA Variable Selection

B2PCA variable selection criteria.
getLoadingsFromPCAAn interface to get load/score matrix or eigenvalues from...
getPCAObjectAn interface to get PCA object from different PCA methods
modelPerformanceCalculate the performance of models composed by different...
plotPlot objects from SUPCAVS package
PredefinedModelsClassification and Regression Models
printPrint objects from SUPCAVS package
sampleComplexityPACSample Complexity based on PAC Learning Theory
scoreScores methods
spcavsSupervised and unsupervised PCA variable selection
supcavs-packageSupervised and Unsupervised PCA Variable Selection
supervisionSupervision coefficients
vcDimensionVapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension
juscelino-izidoro/supcavs documentation built on Jan. 2, 2022, 7:49 a.m.