Man pages for jvitorpinto/agmet
Utilities for agricultural meteorology

ambaum_equationCalculates the water vapor saturation pressure as a function...
ambaum_slopeCalculates the slope of the equation of Tetens
atmospheric_pressureCalculates atmospheric pressure at a given altitude above sea...
day_lengthCalcula a duração do dia
ext_rad_dayCalcula a radiação solar exoatmosférica
fao_et0Calcula a evapotranspiração de referência
inv_rel_dist_sunCalcula a distância inversa relativa entre a Terra e Sol
log_wind_profileEstimates wind speed at height z2 based on wind speed measued...
net_longwaveCalcula o saldo de radiação de ondas longas
net_shortwaveCalculates net shortwave radiation
psy_constCalculates the psychrometric constant
solar_declinationCalcula a declinação solar
stefan_boltzmann_lawCalculates the radiant emittance of a body as a function of...
stress_convexFits a convex function to describe a stress response
stress_linearFits a linear function to describe a stress response
stress_logisticFits a logistic function to describe a stress response
stress_splineStress response based on a spline function
tetensCalculates water vapour saturation pressure as a function of...
tetens_equationCalculates the water vapor saturation pressure as a function...
tetens_slopeCalculates the slope of the equation of Tetens
thornthwaite_petCalcula a evapotranspiração potencial (ETP) por meio do...
water_balanceCalculates the water balance using the method of Thornthwaite...
water_balance.defaultCalculates the water balance using the method proposed by...
jvitorpinto/agmet documentation built on Jan. 30, 2023, 6:33 a.m.