Man pages for karlkumbier/iRF2.0
Iterative Random Forests

classCenterPrototypes of groups.
combineCombine Ensembles of Trees
conditionalPredEvaluates interaction importance using conditional prediction
getTreeExtract a single tree from a forest.
gRITGeneralized random intersection trees
growAdd trees to an ensemble
grow.randomForestGrow random forest
importanceExtract variable importance measure
importance.randomForestImportance method for random forest
imports85The Automobile Data
interactPredictPredict interaction
iRFIterative random forests (iRF)
marginMargins of randomForest Classifier
margin.randomForestRandom forest margin
na.roughfixRough Imputation of Missing Values rough fix data frame
na.roughfix.defaultNA rough fix default
outlierCompute outlying measures
outlier.defaultDefault outlier
outlier.randomForestRandom forest outlier
permImportanceEvaluates interaction importance thhrough permutation
plotIntPlot interaction
plot.marginPlot margin
plot.randomForestPlot method for randomForest objects
predict.randomForestpredict method for random forest objects
print.randomForestPrint random forest
randomForestClassification and Regression with Random Forest
randomForest.defaultRandom forest default function
randomForest.formulaRandom forest formula
readForestRead forest
rfcvRandom Forest Cross-Valdidation for feature selection
rfImputeMissing Value Imputations by randomForest
rfImpute.defaultRandom forest impute default
rfImpute.formulaRandom forest impute formula
rfNewsShow the NEWS file
RITRandom Intersection Trees
stabilityScoreStability score
treesizeSize of trees in an ensemble
tuneRFTune randomForest for the optimal mtry parameter
varImpPlotVariable Importance Plot
varUsedVariables used in a random forest
karlkumbier/iRF2.0 documentation built on Sept. 9, 2021, 11:05 a.m.