Man pages for katokohaku/featureTweakR
Calculate Actionable Feature Tweaking

catfSame function as 'catf()' in BBmisc except for returning...
chopRemove the First or Last n of an Object
dataSplitSplit dataset into train set and test set (for hold-out)
descaleRestore a scaled matrix to a matrix with original parameters.
descale.tweakedFeatureRestore tweaked instances to the original scale
do.nothingDo nothing with any arguments
getRulesparse a decision tree in randomForest into list of path as...
getRules.randomForestparse a decision tree in randomForest into list of path as...
plotSuggestPlot individual suggestion (direction to modify)
plot.tweaked.suggestionPlot statistics for suggestion of tweaked instances...
rescaleScale a matrix with parameters of a scaled matix
set.eSatisfactoryget e-satisfactory instance of aim-leaf from all tree
tweakCalcurate suggention for each inputs based on prediction
katokohaku/featureTweakR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 11:17 p.m.