Man pages for kgwet/pairedCAC
Testing the difference of correlated agreement coefficients for statistical significance

ratings1Dataset of ratings that 4 raters assigned to 15 subjects
ratings2Dataset of ratings that 4 raters assigned to 15 subjects
ttest.ac2Paired t-test for the difference of 2 AC2 coefficients.
ttest.alphaPaired t-test for the difference of 2 Krippendorff's alpha...
ttest.bpPaired t-test for the difference of 2 Brennan-Prediger...
ttest.congerPaired t-test for the difference of 2 Conger's generalized...
ttest.fleissPaired t-test for the difference of 2 Fleiss generalized...
ttest.paPaired t-test for the difference of 2 percent agreement...
weight.mat.fnCreate a weight matrix based raw data and weight set name
kgwet/pairedCAC documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 6:37 a.m.