Man pages for kjhealy/socviz
Utility Functions and Data Sets for Data Visualization

asasecAmerican Sociological Association Section Membership
bad_dateDates in character form
boomerMonthly Births in the US, and England & Wales
color_compPlot a table of color hex values as a table of colors
color_palDraw a palette of colors
color_tableA table of hex color values related to types of color...
county_dataCensus Data on US Counties
county_mapUS County map file
eduYears of school completed by people 25 years and over in the...
electionUS Presidential Election 2016, State-level results
elections_historicUS Presidential Election vote shares
fredtsMonetary Base and S&P 500 series
freq_tabGenerate a tidy n-way frequency table
gss_lonGeneral Social Survey data, 1972-2016
gss_sibGeneral Social Survey data, 1972-2016
gss_smGeneral Social Survey data, 2016
lawschoolsUS Law School Enrollments 1963-2015
lay_outArrange ggplot2 plots in an arbitrary grid
maunaloaMauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
oecd_leLife Expectancy in the OECD, 1960-2015.
oecd_sumLife Expectancy in the OECD, 1960-2015
opiatesOpiate-Related Deaths in the United States, 1999-2014
organdataOrgan donation in the OECD
pregAn untidy table of data
preg2A wider table of untidy data
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
studebtStudent debt data
titanicA table of survival rates from the Titanic
tw_tabQuickly make a two-way table of proportions (percentages)
yahooYahoo Revenue and Employees
kjhealy/socviz documentation built on July 20, 2020, 7:36 a.m.