Man pages for kmarchlewski/morphfoil
Morphing of an airfoil mesh for xred solver

morph_airfoilMorph an airfoil
morphfoilmorphfoil: Tools for morphing meshes in a .msh2 format
morph_meshMorph a mesh
plot_airfoilPlot an airfoil
plot_meshPlot a mesh
rae2822_airfoilCoordinates of the RAE 2822 airfoil
rae2822_meshMesh in the .msh2 format for the RAE 2822 airfoil
read_airfoilRead a file with airfoil coordinates
read_meshRead a file in a msh2 format
select_constrSelect points constraining morphing
select_morphpSelect morphing points
write_meshWrite a file in a msh2 format
kmarchlewski/morphfoil documentation built on Oct. 8, 2020, 5:34 p.m.