Man pages for krajnc/densitr
Analysing Density Profiles from Resistance Drilling of Trees

combine_dataCombines density measurement from a dp object list into a...
combine_footersCombines footer data from a dp object list into a single data...
correct_failuresManually correct failures after automatic trim detection
dpdetect_eDetect measurement ending point automatically using...
dpdetect_sDetect measurement starting point automatically using...
dpdetrendDetrend (remove a trend) a density profile either using...
dploadLoad a single density profile measurement file (*.dpa) or a...
dpringsAutomatically identify tree rings in a density profile
dptrimAutomatically trim an individual density profile on both...
dptrimlAutomatically trim a list of density profiles on both sides
dptriml_sAutomatically trim a list of density profiles on the starting...
dptrim_sAutomatically trim an individual density profile on the...
extract_dpa_nameExtract a file name from a full path
get_RWGet ring widths from identified tree rings
manual_trim_detectManually select a starting or ending location of a density...
plot_allPlot a list of dp objects, one by one
plot_end_detectionDisplay end detection on a list of dp objects
plot_failuresPlot trimming failures one by one
plot_start_detectionDisplay start detection on a list of dp objects
plot_trimmingDisplay automatic trimming on a list of dp objects
read_dpaRead a single resistance-drilling density profile measurement...
remove_trim_failuresRemove automatic trim failures from a list of trimmed dp...
separate_trim_failuresRemove automatic trim failures from a list of trimmed dp...
trim_manuallyManually trim a list of density profiles
krajnc/densitr documentation built on April 5, 2022, 7:49 p.m.