Man pages for krose/gie
API Wrapper for the GIE REST API.

gie_gas_aggregateGet the aggregated historical data export for Europe or Non...
gie_gas_company_eicGet the historical data export for for a specific company...
gie_gas_countryGet the aggregated historical data export for for a specific...
gie_gas_dateGet the table with storage data for a specific date.
gie_gas_eicGet the historical data export for for a specific company...
gie_gas_eic_listFunction to get a list of EIC units.
gie_gas_eic_list_fullFunction to get a list of EIC units with some more info.
gie_gas_facility_eicGet the historical data export for for a specific facility...
gie_iipWrapper for the GIE IIP API
gie_iip_recentGIE IIP JSON Feed
gie_internal_page_requestGet the historical data export for for a specific facility...
gie_internal_page_request_lngGet the historical data export for for a specific facility...
gie_lng_aggregateGet the aggregated historical data export for Europe or Non...
gie_lng_company_eicGet the historical data export for for a specific company...
gie_lng_countryGet the aggregated historical data export for for a specific...
gie_lng_eicGet the historical data export for for a specific company...
gie_lng_eic_listFunction to get a list of EIC units.
gie_lng_eic_list_fullFunction to get a list of EIC units with some more info.
gie_lng_facility_eicGet the historical data export for for a specific facility...
gie_pagination_apiGet the data from the API endpoint.
url_api_constructConstruct the url.
krose/gie documentation built on June 29, 2023, 1:29 a.m.