Man pages for kuriwaki/ccesMRPprep
Functions and Data to Prepare CCES data for MRP

acscodes_dfACS code lookup table
acscodes_partitionsACS codes for partitions
build_countsCollapse CCES data to be analyzed in binomial model
cc18_NYSample 2018 New York CCES
cc18_sampSample 2018 Common Content
ccc_bin_ageDiscretize a vector of age integers into labelled variables
ccc_sampSample cumulative CCES data
ccc_std_demographicsRecode CCES variables so that they merge to ACS variables
cces_dv_idsIdentifiers for datasets in CCES Dataverse
cces_join_slimBuild CCES Data by Joining Component Pieces
cd_infoCongressional District level information by The Downballot
cd_info_longCongressional District level information - long version
cps_onewaytabsCPS variable labels and counts
get_acs_ccesObtain a ACS tabulation from tidycensus
get_acs_cvapObtain CVAP proportions by race
get_cces_dataverseDownload a specific CCES dataset from dataverse, with some...
get_cces_questionGet one column of outcome questions for each model
get_poststratFormats a post-strat table from ACS and district-level data
namevalueCCES-ACS variable key value pairs for recoding
questions_sampQuestion metadata (sample)
std_acs_cdformatFormat CD format from ACS
to_cdConcatenate to Congressional District code
yesno_to_binaryTranslate a Yes/No variable into 1/0
kuriwaki/ccesMRPprep documentation built on Oct. 26, 2024, 10:22 p.m.