Man pages for kylebario/concentr8r
MRS Data Preprocessing and Normalisation

bininSpectral data binning
blBaseline Correction
caliChemical Shift Calibration
creNormCreatinine Normalisation
dot-chemShiftCalculate chemical shift axis
dot-detect1d_procsCheck for intact file systems - helper function read1d!
dot-extract_pars1dRead Bruker NMR paramter files - helper function read1d
dot-filterExp_filesfiltering Bruker NMR paramter files - helper function read1d
extract_pars1d_Read Bruker NMR paramter files - helper function read1d
flipFlip the Spectra
get_idxGet Index
hmNormHistogram Matching
lwFull Width at Half-Maximum
metaMetadata for the NMR spectra.
noiNoise estimations of NMR spectra.
noiseMaximum Noise Estimation
osmoThe osmolality of the NMR spectra.
ppmThe ppm of the NMR spectra.
pqNormProbabilistic Quotient Normalisation
preprocStreamlined 1D NMR Preprocessing
q1NormQuantile Normalisation
q2NormQuantile/PQN Normalisation
read_inImport 1D NMR spectra
roiNormRegion of Interest Normalisation
taNormTotal Area Normalisation
vecNormVector Length Normalisation
XProcessed NMR urine spectra.
xfNormNormalisation based on an External Factor
kylebario/concentr8r documentation built on Nov. 9, 2022, 12:47 a.m.