Man pages for larmarange/labelled
Manipulating Labelled Data

copy_labelsCopy variable and value labels and SPSS-style missing value
drop_unused_value_labelsDrop unused value labels
is_prefixedCheck if a factor is prefixed
look_forLook for keywords variable names and descriptions / Create a...
names_prefixed_by_valuesTurn a named vector into a vector of names prefixed by values
na_valuesGet / Set SPSS missing values
nolabel_to_naRecode values with no label to NA
recode.haven_labelledRecode values
recode_ifRecode some values based on condition
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_attributesRemove attributes
remove_labelsRemove variable label, value labels and user defined missing...
sort_val_labelsSort value labels
tagged_na_to_user_naConvert tagged NAs into user NAs
test_datasetsDatasets for testing
to_characterConvert input to a character vector
to_factorConvert input to a factor.
to_labelledConvert to labelled data
unique_tagged_naUnique elements, duplicated, ordering and sorting with tagged...
update_labelledUpdate labelled data to last version
update_variable_labels_withUpdate variable/value labels with a function
val_labelsGet / Set value labels
val_labels_to_naRecode value labels to NA
var_labelGet / Set a variable label
larmarange/labelled documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 10:22 p.m.