Man pages for lassehjorthmadsen/sherwood
Provides Wrapper Functions for Saxo Banks OpenAPI

authorize_liveAuthorize sherwood for live environment
cancel_all_ordersCancel all orders Calls 'get_orders()' and 'cancel_order()'...
cancel_orderCancel one or more orders
get_account_infoGet accounts for user Returns all accounts under a particular...
get_balanceGet cash balance for logged-in client
get_client_infoGet client details
get_detailsGet detailed information for list of instruments, e.g. stocks
get_exchangesGet exchange names and data
get_info_pricesGet info (non-tradeable) prices for list of instruments
get_instrumentsGet stock names and identifiers
get_optionspaceGet option space for a given root id
get_ordersGet active orders for logged-in client
get_positionsGet positions for the logged-in client
get_scheduleGet trading schedule for a given uic and asset type
make_subscriptionCreate a price subscription on an instrument
pipePipe operator
place_orderPlace a new order
random_idGenerate a random id
reset_sim_balanceReset simulation account balance
response_dfConvert HTTP response to dataframe
sherwood-packagesherwood: Provides Wrapper Functions for Saxo Banks OpenAPI
sim_algoA simulated stock option trading algorithm
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
lassehjorthmadsen/sherwood documentation built on Sept. 6, 2022, 3:47 p.m.