Man pages for lcgodoy/smile
Spatial Misalignment: Interpolation, Linkage, and Estimation

aggregate_auxInternal use only
AIAreal Interpolation
aux_csMean of a (Cubic spline) covariance function (Internal use)
aux_gaussMean of a (Gaussian) covariance function (Internal use)
aux_gwMean of a Generalized Wendland covariance function (Internal...
aux_matInternal use only
aux_maternMean of a (Matern) covariance function (Internal use)
aux_pexpMean of a (Powered Exponential) covariance function (Internal...
aux_spherMean of a (Spherical) covariance function (Internal use)
aux_tapmatMean of a (Matern - Wendland-1 tapper) covariance function...
comp_cs_covCubic spline covariance function for a polygons.
comp_gauss_covGaussian covariance function for a polygons.
comp_gw_covGeneralized Wendland covariance function for a polygons.
comp_mat_covMatern covariance function for a polygons.
comp_pexp_covPowered Exponential covariance function for a polygons.
comp_spher_covSpherical covariance function for a polygons.
comp_tapmat_covWendland-1 covariance function for a polygons.
crossdistPairwise distances between matrices
cs_covComputing the Cubic spline covariance function for a single...
distmatCreating a distance matrix
est_mleMLEs for fixed V.
find_phiFind phi parameter for the Exponential spatial...
fit_spmFitting an underlying continuous process to areal data
gauss_covComputing the Gaussian covariance function for a single...
goodness_of_fitAkaike's (and Bayesian) An Information Criterion for...
gw_covGeneralized Wendland covariance function for a given distance...
liv_lsoaLiverpool Lower Super Output Area.
liv_msoaLiverpool Middle Super Output Area.
mat_covMatern covariance function for a given distance matrix.
morans_iCalculates the (global) Moran's I
nl_ctNova Lima census tracts
pexp_covPowered Exponential covariance function for a given distance...
predict_spmPrediction over the same or a different set of regions (or...
sf_to_spmsingle 'sf' to 'spm'
single_csCubic spline covariance function (scalar)
single_expExponential covariance function (scalar)
single_gaussGaussian covariance function (scalar)
single_gwMatern Generalized Wendland (GW) covariance function with...
single_gw0Matern Generalized Wendland (GW) covariance function with...
single_gw1Matern Generalized Wendland (GW) covariance function with...
single_gw2Matern Generalized Wendland (GW) covariance function with...
single_gw3Matern Generalized Wendland (GW) covariance function with...
single_maternMatern covariance function (scalar - generic)
single_matern3Matern covariance function (scalar - nu = 3/2)
single_matern5Matern covariance function (scalar - nu = 5/2)
single_pexpPowered Exponential covariance function (scalar)
single_spherSpherical covariance function (scalar)
single_tapmatMatern (tapered) covariance function (scalar - generic)
single_tapmat1tapered Matern covariance function (scalar - nu = 1/2)
single_tapmat3Tapered Matern covariance function (scalar - nu = 3/2)
singl_ll_nn_hessEvaluate log-lik
singl_log_likEvaluate log-lik
singl_log_lik_nnEvaluate log-lik
singl_log_plikEvaluate log-lik
smilesmile: Spatial MIsaLignment Estimation
spher_covComputing the Spherical covariance function for a single...
st_remove_holesRemove holes from a 'sfc' POLYGON
summary_spm_fitSummarizing 'spm_fit'
tapmat_covTapered Matern covariance function for a given distance...
transform.sfTransform method for 'sf' objects
vdlVoronoi Data Linkage
vdl_varVoronoi Data Linkage - Single variable and variance
vor_buildVoronoi Tessellation inside a polygon
weight_matBuilding weight matrix *W* for Areal Interpolation
lcgodoy/smile documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 12:17 a.m.