Man pages for lcolladotor/biocthis
Automate package and project setup for Bioconductor packages

bioc_badgesAdd Bioconductor README badges
bioc_styleTidyverse style made Bioconductor-friendly
biocthis_example_pkgCreate a temporary example package
use_bioc_citationCreate a biocthis-style CITATION template
use_bioc_cocCreate a Bioconductor-styled code of conduct
use_bioc_descriptionCreate a biocthis-style DESCRIPTION template
use_bioc_feature_request_templateCreate a biocthis-style GitHub feature request template
use_bioc_github_actionCreate a biocthis-style GitHub Actions workflow
use_bioc_issue_templateCreate a biocthis-style GitHub issue template
use_bioc_news_mdCreate a biocthis-style file
use_bioc_pkgdown_cssCreate a css with Bioconductor colors for pkgdown
use_bioc_pkg_templatesCreate a biocthis package template R scripts
use_bioc_readme_rmdCreate a biocthis-style README.Rmd file
use_bioc_supportCreate a biocthis-style GitHub support file
use_bioc_vignetteCreate a biocthis-style vignette template
use_tinytestUse the 'tinytest' framework for unit tests
lcolladotor/biocthis documentation built on Dec. 12, 2024, 10:01 p.m.