Man pages for lucylgao/clusterpval
Clusterpval: P-Values for Differences in Means after Clustering

compute_S_averageComputes the conditioning set for average linkage...
compute_S_average_gencovComputes the conditioning set S for average linkage...
compute_S_centroidComputes the conditioning set for centroid linkage...
compute_S_centroid_gencovComputes the conditioning set S for centroid linkage...
compute_S_mcquittyComputes the conditioning set for McQuitty linkage...
compute_S_mcquitty_gencovComputes the conditioning set S for McQuitty linkage...
compute_S_medianComputes the conditioning set for median linkage hierarchical...
compute_S_median_gencovComputes the conditioning set S for median linkage...
compute_S_singleComputes the conditioning set for single linkage hierarchical...
compute_S_single_gencovComputes the conditioning set S for single linkage...
compute_S_wardComputes the conditioning set for Ward linkage hierarchical...
compute_S_ward_gencovComputes the conditioning set S for ward linkage hierarchical...
finiteEMake endpoints of intervals finite
is_integer_between_a_bChecks if input is an integer between a and b
isSameIntervalsComparison between two intervals
magicfunA helper function for approximating normal tail probabilities
norm_vecTakes the l2-norm of a vector.
preserve_clChecks if Ck, Ck' in C(x'(phi))
rect_hier_clustersDraw a rectangle around a hierarchical cluster
same_clChecks if two clusterings are the same up to permutation
solve_one_ineqSolve the roots of quadratic polynomials related to testing...
sortEMake endpoints of intervals positive
TChisqRatioApproxApproximation of the ratio of two chi-squared probabilities
test_clusters_approxMonte Carlo significance test for any clustering method
test_complete_hier_clusters_approxMonte Carlo significance test for complete linkage...
test_hier_clusters_exactExact significance test for hierarchical clustering
TNProbProbability of a standard normal in a union of intervals
TNProbEachIntProbability of a standard normal in a single interval
TNRatioApproxApproximation of the ratio of two normal probabilities
TNSurvSurvival function of truncated normal distribution
lucylgao/clusterpval documentation built on July 4, 2023, 4:40 p.m.