Man pages for m-g-h/scrapurrr
Functional Programming Style Webscraping à la purrr

html_findFind and return the node(s) in a 'xml_nodeset' that match a...
make_function_safe_slow_insistentMakes a function slow (delay before it's called) insistent...
node_whichFind the positions of nodes in a 'xml_nodeset' that match a...
NordVPN_quick_connectInvoke the "Quick Connect" command of NordVPN
pipePipe operator
return_named_listCollect all local objects and return them as named list.
return_result_or_messageWraps around a function which is returned from 'safely'....
scrapurrrScrape a list of links or html files using a scrapefun
scrapurrr-packagescrapurrr: Functional Programming Style Webscraping à la...
view_htmlDownload html and/or display it in the RStudio Viewer /...
with_progressAdd progress tick 'pb$tick()' to a function
m-g-h/scrapurrr documentation built on Aug. 2, 2022, 9:43 a.m.