Man pages for m-jahn/lattice-tools
Panel functions and wrappers that extend the R lattice universe

custom.colorblindColorblind-safe grey lattice theme
custom.ggplotCustom ggplot2 like theme
custom.latticeCustom grey lattice theme
custom_splomCustom scatterplot matrix (SPLOM)
get_repelled_labelsGet bounding boxes for repelled text labels
panel.annotateDraw summary text labels in lattice plots
panel.arrowboxPanel function to draw box-like arrows
panel.barplotDraw barplot with error bars in lattice plots
panel.beeswarmPanel function for beeswarm plots
panel.directlabelsPoint labels for scatterplots (using directlabels)
panel.dumbbellMake a dumbbell chart
panel.errbarsDraw error bars in lattice plots
panel.geneplotPlot genes along a linear axis
panel.keyDraw custom keys inside lattice plots
panel.lollipopMake a lollipop chart
panel.piechartDraw pie and ring charts in lattice plots
panel.pvalueCalculate and draw p-values in lattice plots
panel.quadrantsDraw quadrants and quadrant statistics in lattice plots
panel.repellabelsPoint labels for scatterplots (using ggrepel)
panel.symbolsPlot a grouping variable encoded by symbols
panel.violinscatterCombine violin plot and scatter plot
repel_boxesAdjust the layout of a list of potentially overlapping boxes.
m-jahn/lattice-tools documentation built on Dec. 3, 2023, 11:14 p.m.