Man pages for mabafaba/koboquest
Reads and understands kobo questionnaires

dataExample data set
is_questionnaire_loadedDetermine if a questionnarie has been loaded
kobo_choicesExample kobo choices
koboquestkoboquest: Reading XLSForm questionnaires
kobo_questionsExample kobo questions
question_get_choice_labelsConvert kobo xml choice names to labels
question_get_question_labelConvert kobo xml question names to labels
question_in_questionnaireDetermine if a question name can be found in the loaded...
question_is_categoricalDetermine if a kobo question is categorical
question_is_numericDetermine if a kobo question is of type 'numeric'
question_is_select_multipleDetermine if a kobo question is of type 'select_multiple'
question_is_select_oneDetermine if a kobo question is of type 'select_one'
question_is_skippedDetermine if a variables records were skipped in the...
question_is_sm_choiceDetermine if a data column header is a logical choice column...
questionnairewhat is this? This package is using a specific kind of...
mabafaba/koboquest documentation built on Aug. 15, 2019, 6:12 p.m.