Man pages for macroecology/letsR
Data Handling and Analysis in Macroecology

iucnIUCN evaluation for frogs of the genus Phyllomedusa
IUCNIUCN evaluation for frogs of the genus Phyllomedusa
lets.addpolyAdd polygon coverage to a PresenceAbscence object
lets.addvarAdd variables (in raster format) to a PresenceAbscence object
lets.classvarFrequency distribution of a variable within a species' range
lets.correlCompute correlogram based on the Moran's I index
lets.distmatCompute a geographic distance matrix
lets.fieldCreate species' values based on the species co-occurrence...
lets.gridirizerFits a grid into a PresenceAbsence object
lets.iucnDownload species' information from the IUCN RedList online...
lets.iucncontTransform IUCN RedList conservation status to continuous...
lets.iucn.haDownload species' habitat information from the IUCN RedList...
lets.iucn.hisDownload species' temporal trend in conservation status from...
lets.loadLoad a PresenceAbsence object
lets.maplizerCreate a matrix summarizing species' attributes within cells...
lets.midpointCompute the midpoint of species' geographic ranges
lets.overlapCompute pairwise species' geographic overlaps
lets.PAMcropCrop a PresenceAbsence object based on an input shapefile
lets.presabCreate a presence-absence matrix of species' geographic...
lets.presab.birdsCreate a presence-absence matrix of species' geographic...
lets.presab.gridCreate a presence-absence matrix of species' geographic...
lets.presab.pointsCreate a presence-absence matrix based on species' point...
lets.rangesizeCompute species' geographic range sizes
letsR-packageTools for Data Handling and Analysis in Macroecology.
lets.saveSave a PresenceAbsence object
lets.shFilterFilter species' shapefiles based on its presence, origin, and...
lets.subsetPAMSubset a PresenceAbsence object based on species names
lets.summarizerSummarize variable(s) values in a presence-absence matrix...
lets.transfTransform values of a vector
PAMPresenceAbsence object for frogs of the genus Phyllomedusa
plot.PresenceAbsencePlot an object of class PresenceAbsence
PresenceAbsencePresenceAbsence Class
print.PresenceAbsencePrint for object of class PresenceAbsence
print.summary.PresenceAbsencePrint summary for object of class PresenceAbsence
summary.PresenceAbsenceSummary for object of class PresenceAbsence
tempMean temperature raster for the world.
wrld_simplSimplified world country polygons
macroecology/letsR documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 9:25 p.m.