Man pages for madlogos/asesmso
ASES Analytic Toolkit on MS Office

asesmsoasesmso: An R Analytics Toolkit on MS Office for ASES
data-colon-ENUMDataset: ENUM
enumGet enumeration value(s) based on the enum name(s)
getCoreDataMtxShrink the matrix to its core area
getMsoChartDimsGet dims parameters of the matrix yielded from the msoChart...
getMsoChartSeriesGet the series parameters from a msoChart object
getMsoChartSourceDataRetrieve source data matrix from the msoChart object
getMsoChartTypeGet the ChartType of a msoChart object
getPptElemsGet meta info of the shapes in a Powerpoint document
optimizeScaleRangeAuto suggest a range to beautify the axes of a masChart...
optimizeScaleUnitAuto suggest a major unit number to beautify the axes of a...
refreshPptChartsAutomatically refresh msoChart in a PPT presentation
setMsoChartScaleOptimize the scale range and major unit of the axes of a...
setMsoChartSeriesReset an msoChart object to match the source data and series
madlogos/asesmso documentation built on June 26, 2019, 12:17 a.m.