Man pages for mariarizzo/energy
E-Statistics: Multivariate Inference via the Energy of Data

centeringDouble centering and U-centering
dcorTDistance Correlation t-Test
dcovDistance Correlation and Covariance Statistics
dcov2dFast dCor and dCov for bivariate data only
dcov.testDistance Covariance Test and Distance Correlation test
dcovuUnbiased dcov and bias-corrected dcor statistics
dcovU_statsUnbiased distance covariance statistics
discodistance components (DISCO)
dmatrixDistance Matrices
eigenEigenvalues for the energy Test of Univariate Normality
energy-defunctDistance Correlation t-test for High Dimensions
energy-deprecatedDeprecated Functions
energy.hclustHierarchical Clustering by Minimum (Energy) E-distance
energy-packageE-statistics: Multivariate Inference via the Energy of Data
eqdist.etestMultisample E-statistic (Energy) Test of Equal Distributions
indep-deprecatedEnergy-tests of Independence
kgroupsK-Groups Clustering
mutualIndepEnergy Test of Mutual Independence
mvI.testIndependence Coefficient and Test
mvnorm-testE-statistic (Energy) Test of Multivariate Normality
normalGOFEnergy Test of Univariate Normality
pdcorPartial distance correlation and covariance
poissonGoodness-of-Fit Tests for Poisson Distribution
sortrankSort, order and rank a vector
U_productInner product in the Hilbert space of U-centered distance...
mariarizzo/energy documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 12:09 p.m.