cciea_AC | CCIEA Anthropogenic Drivers |
cciea_AC_mn | Monthly Mean Crab Landings 1990-2015 |
cciea_B_AS_DENS | Seabird at-sea density anomaly |
cciea_B_AS_DIET | Seabird diet |
cciea_B_B_MORT | Seabird beached mortality |
cciea_B_LEN | Seabird Prey Size |
cciea_B_PR_ANOM | Seabird Productivity |
cciea_EI_COP | Copepod Indices, Northern California Current |
cciea_EI_CP_SIMP | Coastal pelagics-Simp |
cciea_EI_CP_SPNO | Coastal pelagics-Spp No |
cciea_EI_CRAB_FINF | Finfish scavengers:total biomass ratio |
cciea_EI_DOMACID | Domoic acid levels in razor clams and other species, West... |
cciea_EI_DOMACID_MON_clam | Monthly Maximum Domoic acid levels in razor clams, West Coast |
cciea_EI_DOMACID_MON_crab | Monthly Maximum Domoic acid levels in dungeness crab, West... |
cciea_EI_FBC | Forage Biomass, California Current Central |
cciea_EI_FBC_2020 | 2020 Forage Biomass, California Current Central |
cciea_EI_FBN | Forage Biomass, California Current North |
cciea_EI_FBN_2020 | 2020 Forage Biomass, California Current North |
cciea_EI_FBS | Forage Biomass, California Current South |
cciea_EI_FBS_2020 | 2020 Forage Biomass, California Current South |
cciea_EI_HCI | Habitat Compression Index |
cciea_EI_JELLY_CC | Jellyfish Biomass, Central Californial |
cciea_EI_JELLY_OW | Jellyfish Biomass, Oregon and Washington |
cciea_EI_KRILLEN | Euphausia pacifica (krill) lengths |
cciea_EI_MTL | Groundfish mean trophic level |
cciea_EI_RREAS_diversity_grid | Rockfish Recruitment and Ecosystem Assessement Survey,... |
cciea_EI_RREAS_diversity_list | Rockfish Recruitment and Ecosystem Assessement Survey,... |
cciea_EI_SCAV_RAT | Scavenger biomass ratio |
cciea_EI_SIMP | Groundfish Simpson diversity |
cciea_EI_SP_RICH | Groundfish species richness |
cciea_EI_WH_ENT | Whale Entanglements |
cciea_GF_ABND | Groundfish Abundance Index |
cciea_GF_STAT | Groundfish Stock Status |
cciea_HB_AUGMX | Streamflow - August Mean Maximum stream temperature |
cciea_HB_FLO1 | Streamflow - Annual 1-day maximum flow anomaly |
cciea_HB_FLO1_CH | Streamflow - Annual 1-day maximum flow anomaly, Chinook ESU's |
cciea_HB_FLO7 | Streamflow - Annual 7-day minimum flow anomaly |
cciea_HB_FLO7_CH | Streamflow - Annual 7-day minimum flow anomaly, Chinook ESU's |
cciea_HB_SWE | Snow Water Equivalent |
cciea_HD_ESI_VESS | Annual Effective Shannon Index (ESI) for various fleet... |
cciea_HD_Fish_Dep | Coastal community fishery dependence index |
cciea_HD_Fish_Eng | Commercial Fishing Engagement Index |
cciea_HD_Fish_Rel | Commercial Fishing Reliance Index |
cciea_HD_PU | Personal use landings data, Washington and California |
cciea_HD_Soc_Vuln_Indx | Coastal community social vulnerability index |
cciea_HMS | Highly Migratory Species |
cciea_MM_cetacean | California Current Cetacean Abundance |
cciea_MM_HB_REL | Relative humpback whale abundance |
cciea_MM_pup_count | California sea lion pup survey, San Miguel Island,... |
cciea_OC_ARG | Aragonite Saturation |
cciea_OC_BEUTI | Monthly Biologically Effective Upwelling Transport Index... |
cciea_OC_CBAN | Northern copepod biomass anomaly 44.6N |
cciea_OC_CBAS | Southern copepod biomass anomaly 44.6N |
cciea_OC_CUTI | Monthly Coastal Upwelling Transport Index (CUTI) |
cciea_OC_DO | Dissolved Oxygen |
cciea_OC_LUSI | Length of Upwelling Season Index (LUSI) |
cciea_OC_MEI | Multivariate ENSO Index |
cciea_OC_MHW | California Current Marine Heatwave, Daily |
cciea_OC_MHW_EV | California Current Marine Heatwave Event List |
cciea_OC_MHW_regions | California Current Marine Heatwave, EEZ regions Daily |
cciea_OC_NOI | Extratropical-based Northern Oscillation Index |
cciea_OC_NPGO | North Pacific Gyre Oscillation Index |
cciea_OC_NPH | North Pacific High Area |
cciea_OC_NPH_JF | North Pacific High Area, January - February Mean |
cciea_OC_ONI | Oceanic Nino Index |
cciea_OC_PDO | Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index |
cciea_OC_SL1 | Monthly Sea Level: South Beach OR (44.6N 124.0W) |
cciea_OC_SL2 | Monthly Sea Level: San Francisco CA (37.8N 122.5W) |
cciea_OC_SL3 | Monthly Sea Level: San Diego CA (32.7N 117.2W) |
cciea_OC_SST1 | SST Buoy 46050 (44.6N 124.5W) |
cciea_OC_SST2 | SST Buoy 46014 (39.2N 124.0W) |
cciea_OC_SST3 | SST Buoy 46025 (33.7N 119.1W) |
cciea_OC_STI | Spring Transition Index (STI) |
cciea_OC_TUMI | Total Upwelling Magnitude Index (TUMI) |
cciea_OC_UI1 | Upwelling Index, 45N 125W, monthly |
cciea_OC_UI2 | Upwelling Index, 39N 125W, monthly |
cciea_OC_UI3 | Upwelling Index, 33N 119W, monthly |
cciea_OC_VWND1 | Meridional Wind Buoy 46050 (44.6N 124.5W) |
cciea_OC_VWND2 | Meridional Wind Buoy 46014 (39.2N 124.0W) |
cciea_OC_VWND3 | Meridional Wind Buoy 46025 (33.7N 119.1W) |
cciea_SM_CA_CH_ABND | Chinook Abundance, California |
cciea_SM_CA_CH_CND | Chinook Condition, California |
cciea_SM_CA_CO_ABND | Coho Abundance, California |
cciea_SM_ORWA_CH_ABND | Chinook Abundance, OR/WA/ID |
cciea_SM_ORWA_CH_CND | Chinook Condition, Oregon/Washington |
cciea_SM_ORWA_CO_ABND | Coho Abundance, Oregon/Washington |
cciea_SM_ORWA_CO_CND | Coho Condition, Oregon/Washington |
GetNorm | Normalize Time Series, original |
groundfish | Groundfish diversity |
newportCTD | Newport Hydrographic Line CTD Data, NH05 and NH25 |
newportDOArag | Newport Hydrographic Line Dissolved Oxygen and Aragonite... |
newportNitrate | Newport Hydrographic Line Nitrate, NH25 |
Plot_Domoic_Acid_Monthly | Plot domoic acid monthly, original |
PlotTimeSeries | Plot time series, original |
plot_ts | Plot time series |
QuadPlot | QuadPlot, original |
QuadPlot_means | Quadplot means, original |
theme_iea | Plotting theme for IEA |
ts1 | TimeSeries1 example dataset |
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