Man pages for markwh/markstats
Miscellaneous statistical functions I (Mark) have written

bind_rows2A better (but slower) version of dplyr::bind_rows
conflictsToCharacterUsed in bind_rows2
crossvalidateCross-validation of regression models
delMSEDeleted MSE Useful for calculating deleted statistics like...
delResidDeleted residuals, given a model object
dffits.gamDFFITS for a given model
eigSampleReturns a data.frame with points sampled along first pincipal...
facsumWrapper for summary(as.factor(x))
fromcacheFetch a single object from cache
gcvGeneralized Crossvalidation score Following Wood (2006), p....
getDataGet data from lm objects
ggMvSampleAdd points corresponding to a multivariate normal sample
ggPcLinesReturns a geom_segment object with principal components shown
ggTermPlotggplot2 implementation of termplot with partial residuals,...
hatvalues.gamDiagonals of GAM influence matrix
maemean absolute error
MSEMean-squared error for a model
mvSampleReturns a data.frame with points sampled according to a...
ocvOrdinary Crossvalidation score Following Wood (2006), p. 174
pcLinesReturns a data.frame with endpoints of principal components....
Q2Leave-one-out coefficient of determination Similar to R2, but...
R2coefficient of determination
R2.defaultDefault S3 method for coefficient of determination
R2.gamCoefficient of dermination for gam objects Optionally gives...
R2.lmCoefficient of dermination for lm objects Optionally gives...
randlrImpute BDL data using various distributions
relDifCreates 2-d filled contour plot for relative differences...
rstudent.gamStudentized deleted residuals, given a model object
sampleToPCsProject observations from a sample to principal components,...
splitPieceGet all of the pieces for a particular stringsplit.
ssesum of squared errors
subset.ggplotSubsets a ggplot object by applying code to...
titleCaseCapitalize first letter of each word in text Copied without...
tss_looleave-one-out sum of squares useful for calculating Q2
markwh/markstats documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:26 p.m.