Man pages for markwh/streamstats
R bindings to the USGS Streamstats API

availCharsGet Availale Basin Characteristics
availFeaturesList available features for a given workspace
availFlowStatsGet available flow statistics for a region
combineWatershedsCombine watershed objects into single geojson-structured list
computeCharsCompute basin characteristics
computeFlowStatsCompute flow statistics
delineateWatershedDelineate watershed based on location specification
downloadGISDownload watershed resource based on workspace
getFeaturesGet features for a given workspace
getStateAbGet state abbreviation
latlon2stateCopied from
leafletWatershedCreate a leaflet map of a watershed Uses an object returned...
parse_regionParse a region's results
parse_resultParse the results component of region's result list
parse_statsParse the results of 'sstat_get()' into a tidy data.frame
parse_statsgroupParse a statistics group
pullFeatureCollectionextract part of watershed list corresponding to an individual...
toSpConvert watershed to sp Returns either SpatialPointsDataFrame...
watershedByWorkspaceReturns a watershed based on "workspace" info Currently...
writeGeoJSONWrite part of a 'watershed' object to file in geoJSON format.
writeShapefileConvert watershed to ESRI shapefile
markwh/streamstats documentation built on Sept. 29, 2021, 8:42 a.m.