Man pages for marvinquiet/LRcell
Differential cell type change analysis using Logistic/linear Regression

enrich_posfrac_scoreCalculate enrichment scores for each cell type in a specific...
example_gene_pvalsExample gene_pvals named vector from mouse experiment.
example_LRcell_resAn example output of LRcell using data example_gene_pvals and...
get_markergenesGet top marker genes for each subcluster
LRcellCell-type enrichment analysis for preranked gene set.
LRcellCoreFind most enriched cell types in bulk DE genes by Logistic...
LRcell_gene_enriched_scoresFind most enriched cell types in bulk DE genes by Logistic...
mouse_celltypesMapping between subclusters and cell types in Mouse Brain
mouse_FC_marker_genesExample marker genes from mouse FC brain region.
plot_manhattan_enrichManhattan plot for the enrichment of cell types
plot_marker_distPlot marker genes distribution on DE gene rank
marvinquiet/LRcell documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 9:09 a.m.