Man pages for matcasti/Report
Inferential statistics and reporting in APA style

aov_rANOVA for factorial designs
cent_dispInline summary descriptive
clean_dataRemove NA's from long to wide/long data.table
contingencyReport categorical analyses
deparserGet the deparsed value of the outermost expression
GGGreenhouse-Geisser epsilon
HFHyunh-Feldt epsilon
is_normalNormality check
is_var.equalTest for Homogeneity of Variances
k_sampleK Sample test
lablrGenerate report-ready labels for statistical report
mauchlyMauchly's Test of Sphericity
one_sampleOne Sample test
pairs_two_samplePairwise Two Sample test
pairwise_testPairwise Comparisons
rm_anovaRepeated measures ANOVA
sphericityMauchly's Test of Sphericity
sphericity_checkSuggested sphericity correction for repeated measures ANOVA
style.pStyle p value
subsAlways returns the outermost expression
two_sampleTwo Sample test
writR-packagewritR: Inferential statistics and reporting in APA style
matcasti/Report documentation built on July 23, 2024, 10:24 a.m.