balance_table | Balance diagnostics telescope matching |
balance.tmatch | Balance diagnostics for Telescope Match objects |
boots_g | Coefficient Estimates across Bootstrapped Samples |
boots_tm | Bootstrap Uncertainty Estimates for Telescope Matching |
cde_aipw | Initialize an AIPW CDE estimator |
cde_did_aipw | Initialize an AIPW DID-CDE estimator |
cde_ipw | Initialize an IPW CDE estimator |
cde_reg_impute | Initialize an regression imputation CDE estimator |
cdesens | Estimate sensitivity of ACDE estimates under varying levels... |
cde_telescope_match | Initialize an telescope matching CDE estimator |
civilwar | Data on civil wars and internal conflict from 1945-1999. |
estimate | Fit a specified CDE estimator |
jobcorps | Data on health and employment outcomes measured as part of... |
outreg_model | Specify the outcome regression model for a CDE treatment |
plot.cdesens | Plot output from cdesens |
plotDiag.tmatch | Histograms of matching weights |
ploughs | Data on historical plough use and the socioeconomic status of... |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
seq_g_vcov | Consistent Variance estimator |
sequential_g | Perform linear sequential g-estimation to estimate the... |
set_treatment | Specifiy a treatment variable for a controlled direct effect |
summary.seqg | Computes standard errors and p-values of DirectEffects... |
summary.seqgboots | Summary of DirectEffect Bootstrap Estimates |
summary.tmatch | Summarize telescope match objects |
telescope_match | Perform telescope matching to estimate the controlled direct... |
transphobia | Data from a randomized experiment on transgender rights. |
treat_model | Specify the propensity score model for a CDE treatment |
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