Man pages for matthewlewis896/redlistManipulatr
Obtain Red List habitat and elevation data and manipulate formats

code_fill_noparFill Out Level 1 or 2 Habitat Codes
code_fill_parFill Out Level 1 or 2 Habitat Codes
fetch_noparFetch Red List data (non-parallel)
fetch_parFetch Red List data (parallel)
grapes-do-grapes%do% operator
grapes-dopar-grapes%dopar% operator
hab_col_positionsLevel 1 and Level2 habitat column positions
hab_conversion_lutIUCN Red List Habitat Category New Name Look-up Table
habitatsIUCN Red List Habitat Categories
major_importanceNature Map Red List Habitat Major Importance Codes
packTestCheck necessary packages are loaded
pipePipe operator
RL_code_fillFill Out Level 1 or 2 Habitat Codes
RL_crosswalkCrosswalk habitat classes to a look-up table of other values
RL_elevation_checkChecks min/max elevations and recodes if min >= max
RL_fetchFetch Red List data
RL_recode_seasonsRecode NA seasons to Resident
RL_recode_suitabilitiesRecode NA suitabilities to Suitable
RL_reformat_longReformat wide format data to long format
RL_reformat_wideReformat long format data to wide format
RL_sp_listObtain list of all species on Red List
RL_subset_acceptableSubset to acceptable suitabilities and major importances of...
RL_subset_seasonsSubset to species-season combinations
RL_threatsFetch Red List threats data
rnormrnorm function
seasonsIUCN Red List Seasonal Distribution Codes
setTxtProgressBarsetTxtProgressBar function
suitabilityNature Map Red List Suitability Codes
suitability_orderedNature Map Red List Suitability/Major Importance Code...
threatformLong format dataframe for RL_threats
threatsIUCN Red List Threat Categories
threats_noparFetch Red List threats data (parallel)
threats_parFetch Red List threats data (parallel)
txtProgressBartxtProgressBar function
wideformWide format dataframe for RL_fetch() opt "habelev"
matthewlewis896/redlistManipulatr documentation built on Jan. 22, 2022, 1:01 p.m.