Man pages for maxheld83/ghactions
GitHub actions for R

checkoutCreate a step to checkout a repository
containerCreate nested list for the container field in 'job()'
deploy_staticCreate an (action) step to deploy static assets
edit_workflowOpen configuration files
ghactionsghactions: GitHub actions for R
ghactions_eventsSupported events to trigger GitHub actions
ghactions_vmsVirtual machines available on GitHub Actions
gh_matrixCreate nested list for the matrix field in 'strategy()'
install_depsCreate a step to install R package dependencies
ioReading and writing GitHub Actions workflow files
is_github_actionsTest whether the runtime is GitHub actions
jobCreate nested list for _one_ job
onCreate nested list for an on: field
pkg_devCI/CD steps for a package at the repository root
rscriptCreate a step to run utils::Rscript
stepCreate nested list for _one_ job
strategyCreate nested list for the strategy field in 'job()'
use_ghactionsWorkflow automation with GitHub Actions
use_ghactions_badgeREADME badges
websiteRender and deploy an rmarkdown project
workflowCreate nested list for a workflow block
maxheld83/ghactions documentation built on Dec. 16, 2020, 1:40 p.m.