Man pages for mbtyers/recapr
Two Event Mark-Recapture Experiment

ciBaileyConfidence Intervals for the Bailey Estimator
ciChapmanConfidence Intervals for the Chapman Estimator
ciPetersenConfidence Intervals for the Petersen Estimator
cistratConfidence Intervals for the Stratified Estimator
consistencytestConsistency Tests for the Abundance Estimator, Partial...
n2RRMark-Recapture Sample Size, Robson-Regier
NBaileyBailey Estimator
NChapmanChapman Estimator
NDarrochSpatially or Temporally Stratified Abundance Est (Darroch)
NPetersenPetersen Estimator
NstratStratified Abundance Estimator
pBaileyHypothesis Testing Using the Bailey Estimator
pChapmanHypothesis Testing Using the Chapman Estimator
plotdiscdensityPlotting the Density of a Vector of Discrete Values
plotn1n2simmatrixMark-Recapture Sample Size Via Sim, Both Samples
plotn2simMark-Recapture Sample Size Via Simulation
powBaileyPower for Hypothesis Testing Using the Bailey Estimator
powChapmanPower for Hypothesis Testing Using the Chapman Estimator
powconsistencytestPower of Consistency Tests, Partial Stratification
powPetersenPower for Hypothesis Testing Using the Petersen Estimator
powstrattestPower of Consistency Tests, Complete Stratification
pPetersenHypothesis Testing Using the Petersen Estimator
print.recapr_consistencypowPrint method for consistency test power
print.recapr_consistencytestPrint method for consistency test
print.recapr_stratpowPrint method for stratification test power
print.recapr_strattestPrint method for stratification test
rBaileyRandom Draws from the Bailey Estimator
rChapmanRandom Draws from the Chapman Estimator
recapr-packageEstimating, Testing, and Simulating Abundance in a...
rPetersenRandom Draws from the Petersen Estimator
rstratRandom Draws from the Stratified Estimator
seBaileyStandard Error of the Bailey Estimator
seChapmanStandard Error of the Chapman Estimator
sePetersenStandard Error of the Petersen Estimator
sestratStandard Error of Stratified Abundance Estimator
strattestConsistency Tests for the Abundance Estimator, Complete...
vBaileyEstimated Variance of the Bailey Estimator
vChapmanEstimated Variance of the Chapman Estimator
vPetersenEstimated Variance of the Petersen Estimator
vstratEstimated Variance of Stratified Abundance Estimator
mbtyers/recapr documentation built on Dec. 17, 2024, 7:24 p.m.