Man pages for metrumresearchgroup/pmtables
Tables for Pharmacometrics

analysis1analysis1 data set
as.captionCreate caption
as_glossaryCreate a new glossary object
as_lscapeMark table text for display in landscape environment
as.panelCoerce object to rowpanel
as_stableCreate stable from pmtable
cat_dataSummarize categorical data
class-pmtableClass: pmtable
clear_grouped_valuesClear grouped column values
col_fixedFormat a table cell with fixed width
colgroupSet spans to group columns
cols_alignSet table column alignment
cont_long_funFunction for continuous long summaries
cont_table_dataCreate continuous summary data frame
cont_wide_funFunction for continuous wide summaries
data_inventory_chunkCreate a data inventory summary for a data chunk
data_inventory_dataCreate a summary of endpoint data
dem_cont_funDefault summary function in pt_demographics for continuous...
df_grep_rowsFind matching rows in a data frame
dot-colsAlias to 'dplyr::vars'
ensure_parensAdd parens if not found
find_bq_colScan data set columns for BQL / BLQ
format_table_pathFormat the path to output file
get_stable_dataGet debug information from stable object
glossary_notesReturn formatted notes from a tex glossary file or glossary...
make_tabularCreate tabular environment from data frame
new_digitsCreate a digits object
noteconfConfigure table notes
pmtablespmtables: Tables for Pharmacometrics.
pmt_firstanalysis1 data set - first record only
pmt_obsanalysis1 data set - observations only
pmt_pkanalysis1 data set - PK observations only
pmt_summarizedanalysis1 data set - summarized
print.stobjectMethods for stobject
pt_cat_longDiscrete data summary in long format
pt_cat_long_notesReturn table notes for pt_cat_long
pt_cat_wideDiscrete data summary in long format
pt_cat_wide_notesReturn table notes for pt_cat_wide
pt_cont_longContinuous data summary in long format
pt_cont_long_notesReturn table notes for pt_cont_long
pt_cont_wideContinuous data summary in wide format
pt_cont_wide_notesReturn table notes for pt_cont_wide
ptdataLoad an example data set
pt_data_inventoryCreate a data inventory table
pt_data_inventory_notesReturn table notes for pt_data_inventory
pt_data_studyData inventory by study
pt_demographicsSummarize continuous and categorical data in long format
read_glossaryRead and parse a glossary file
rowpanelCreate panel object
select_glossarySelect entries from a glossary object
sigFormat digits
st2articlePreview tables in a TeX article
st2docRender a table a pdf document
stableCreate tabular output from an R data frame
stable_longCreate longtable output from an R data frame
stable_saveSave output from stable
stable_save_imageRender and save a table in png or pdf format
st_alignAdd column alignment information to st object
st_argsAdd other arguments to st object
st_as_imageDisplay table from pdf image
st_aspdfRender stable object to pdf file
st_aspngRender stable object in png format
st_blankAdd column blank information to st object
st_boldRender table data in bold or italic font
st_captionSet table caption
st_clear_repsAdd clear rep information to st object
st_cloneClone an stobject
st_controlTable control parameters
st_dropDrop data columns
st_editEdit table contents
st_filesAdd file name information to st object
st_hlineAdd hline information to st object
st_image_showShow table output that has been saved to pdf or png format
st_makeConvert st object to table output
st_newCreate an st object
st_noteconfAdd note config information to st object
st_notesAdd note information to st object
st_notes_appAppend a note to the previous position of a note vector
st_notes_detachDetach table notes from the table
st_notes_gloAdd table notes based on acronyms from a tex glossary file
st_notes_rmRemove notes from the table
st_notes_strConvert existing note vector into a single string
st_notes_subEdit lines in table notes
st_panelAdd panel information to st object
st_previewPreview an stable object
st_renameAdd column rename information to st object
st_selectFilter, select, or mutate data
st_sizesAdd table size information to st object
st_spaceAdd row and column spacing information to st object
st_spanAdd column spanner to st object
st_span_splitAdd column split spanner information to st object
st_sumrowAdd summary row information to st object
st_to_standaloneConvert stable text to a standalone snippet
st_unitsAdd unit information to st object
st_use_knit_depsInvoke latex dependencies
st_wrapWrap stable output in table environment
sumrowIdentify and style summary rows
tab_clear_repsClear repeated values in a column
tab_colsForm table column names
tab_hlinesInsert hlines into table
tab_notesForm table notes
tab_primePrime a data frame for inclusion into a latex table
tab_sizeAdjustments for row padding, column padding, and font size
tab_spannersCreate groups of columns with spanners
tex_boldMake bold
triage_dataGet data ready for processing with s table
update_abbrevUpdate the abbreviation for a glossary entry
validate_dem_funCheck if summary function evaluates to the correct format
yaml_as_dfRead yaml input into data frame
metrumresearchgroup/pmtables documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 5:40 p.m.