Man pages for mi-erasmusmc/CovCoagEmaPrediction
Coagulopathy prediction in SARS-Cov-2

createCohortsCreate the exposure and outcome cohorts
createJournalDocumentCreate the exposure and outcome cohorts
createPlpProtocolCreate a protocol template for the study
executeExecute the Study
getAgeCovariateDataExtracts age covariates
getCohortCovariateDataExtracts covariates based on cohorts
getMeasurementCohortCovariateDataExtracts covariates based on measurements and cohort
getMeasurementCovariateDataExtracts covariates based on measurements
packageResultsPackage the results for sharing with OHDSI researchers
populateShinyAppAdds the results of the study into a shiny app
submitResultsSubmit the study results to the study coordinating center
mi-erasmusmc/CovCoagEmaPrediction documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 5:54 p.m.