Man pages for mikemc/speedyseq
Faster implementations of phyloseq functions

as_tibble-phyloseqCoerce phyloseq objects to tibble data frames
bad_flush_rightReplace all values with NA upon seeing a bad value
bad_or_uniqueReduce a vector x to its unique value or the value of 'bad'
filter-phyloseqSubset rows in the taxonomy table or sample data using column...
filter_taxaFilter taxa based on across-sample OTU abundance criteria
import_phyloseq_functionsImport phyloseq functions
join-phyloseqMutating joins of the taxonomy table or sample data
merge_groupsMerge groups of elements within a vector by a function
merge_samples2Merge samples by a sample variable or factor
merge_taxa_vecMerge taxa in groups (vectorized version)
merge_taxa_vec_pseudoPseudo-merge taxa in groups
mutate-phyloseqCreate, modify, and delete columns in the taxonomy table or...
onelineOne-line summaries of phyloseq components
orient_taxaOrient a phyloseq object or otu table to have taxa as rows or...
pipePipe operator
plot_barA flexible, informative barplot phyloseq data
plot_heatmapCreate an ecologically-organized heatmap using ggplot2...
plot_treePlot a phylogenetic tree with optional annotations
psmeltMelt phyloseq data object into large data.frame
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
relocate-phyloseqChange column order in the taxonomy table or sample data
rename-phyloseqRename columns in the taxonomy table or sample data
sample_data_stableCreate sample data without adjusting row/sample names
select-phyloseqSubset columns in the taxonomy table or sample data using...
select_taxa-methodsSelect a subset of taxa in a specified order where possible
show-methodsMethods for 'show()' for phyloseq objects.
tax_glomAgglomerate taxa using taxonomy.
tibble-constructorsConstruct phyloseq objects from tibbles
tibble_printPrint a 2-d data.frame or matrix like a tibble
tip_glomAgglomerate taxa using phylogeny-derived distances.
transform_sample_countsTransform abundance data in an 'otu_table', sample-by-sample
tree_glomAgglomerate taxa at a given phylogenetic resolution.
unique_or_naGet the unique value in x or NA if none
mikemc/speedyseq documentation built on April 22, 2024, 6:40 p.m.