Man pages for mitmat/mitmatmisc
Package containing miscellaneous helper functions

add_hydro_yearAdd a hydrological year column to a data.table (by reference)
add_month_fctAdd a month factor column to a data.table (by reference)
add_season_fctAdd a season factor column to a data.table (by reference)
calc_pctlCalculate percentiles
init_parallel_ubuntuInitialize the parallel backend for Ubuntu
init_parallel_ubuntu_forkInitialize the parallel backend for Ubuntu (using forking)
init_parallel_win10Initialize the parallel backend for Windows 10
month_fctCreate a month factor column
num_cut_fctConvert factor from 'cut' to numeric
pval_symCreate the p-value symbols from standard R summary functions
season_fctReturns a season factor
mitmat/mitmatmisc documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 3:28 a.m.